The plant would be co-located with the existing Chesterfield Power Station, a largely-retired decades-old coal fired-power plant, next to the Dutch Gap Conservation Area.
Community members have raised significant concerns about the proposed plant’s impact on increasing energy bills, public health and the environment.
In gas-fired power plants that rely only on a gas turbine, the process goes like this:
Dominion Energy’s latest long-term plan includes building 5,934 megawatts of new gas generation over the next 15 years—equivalent to nearly six Chesterfield gas plants. The Chesterfield proposal is more than a standalone project; it’s the start of a broader push to lock Virginians into decades of reliance on expensive methane gas infrastructure.
Approving this project would pave the way for a new generation of pollution. The action would undermine Virginia’s ability to transition to cleaner, more affordable energy. At the same time, it would burden Virginians with rising electric bills and long-term health impacts.
Public opposition to this project is vital—and soon, we’ll be calling on you to submit comments to both the State Corporation Commission and the Department of Environmental Quality. Sign up for our email list to be notified about action opportunities and updates on the project.